Living Plastic

Algae bloom within Lake Erie. Architecture has learned to adopt new techniques using biology and chemistry creating living and breathing … More

Fabric in Facades

Inspired by the shell of flying beetles, known as elytra, V&A Engineering Season has opened to the public a pavilion … More

Capturing Fog

MIT researchers have developed a material that captures and controls water in the same way that the Namib desert beetle … More

The purpose of biomaterial?

The materials we use for everyday life, if it’s for consumer goods, building materials, and more are either repurposed, manufactured, … More

Straw bales

One issue in choosing the construction material is how to be sustainable about them. Some categories of material seem to … More

Seed Cathedral

Standing 10 meters tall, 7.5 meters long, containing 60,000 acrylic rods and 20,000 seeds, is the Seed Cathedral resting at … More

Moving Forward

The term high-tech refers to the employment or involvement of the latest technology. As technology continues to develop, our everyday … More

Cork & Architecture

The relationship between building materials and architecture has changed throughout history, while modern day architects no longer use only conventional … More

Aquatic Architecture?

With rising sea levels each year, costal cities and towns are receding at an alarming rate. As an industry response, … More