Wool Bricks

Wool bricks are clay bricks made using a sheep’s wool and seaweed infused polymer that offers thirty seven percent more durability than conventional clay bricks1. The outcome results in stronger bricks that also have a greater positive impact on the environment than conventional clay bricks.

Wool bricks offer several advantages such as improved strength of compressed bricks, reduced formation of fissures and deformities as a result of contraction, reduce drying time, and increase the bricks’ resistance to flexion2. Additionally, wool bricks work to reduce greenhouse gasses produced from firing conventional clay bricks and aid in increased cold-climate resistance.

Fortunately, this eco-friendly brick alternative doesn’t have many disadvantages. However, due to the specialized manufacturing processes required to produce wool and seaweed infused bricks, the price of the material increases drastically compared to conventional bricks. Increased cost of wool bricks also depends on where the material is being acquired in relation to a project site and the cost to ship them there3.

In conclusion, wool bricks are a sustainable alternative to conventional clay bricks that offer increased durability and a greater environmental impact. Designers should consider using wool bricks when optimizing structural capacity and lowering a building’s carbon footprint.  

  1. Lior Zitzman, “18 New Building Materials The Will Revolutionize Construction”, Big Rentz, last modified on December 4, 2018, https://www.bigrentz.com/blog/the-future-of-building-materials
  2. “Bricks Made With Wool”, Science Daily, last modified on October 6, 2010, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/10/101005085503.htm
  3. “Alternative Construction Materials”, Association of Construction and Development, last modified on October 9, 2012, https://www.associationofconstructionanddevelopment.org/articles/view.php?article_id=10814#:~:text=Wool%20bricks%20are%2037%20percent,production%20requires%20much%20less%20energy.&text=The%20only%20drawback%20is%20under,shipping%20from%20far%2Daway%20manufacturers.

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