Led Action Facade

Digital facades are popping up on the exterior of city buildings all over the world, prompting architects to think about the way our built environment can promote thought and allow community engagement. MediaLab-Prado, a non-profit organization apart of the Madrid City Council’s Department of Arts, has designed a media facade of the Plaza de la Letras. The digital exterior creates a space for the community, both visitors and locals, and allowed for the rejuvenation of a once lacking public center to become an identity marker for Madrid. The hope of organization is the design allows for the promotion of “social responsibility, information transmission, social interaction and play-oriented experiences.”

The integration of digital facades into urban buildings I believe plays an interesting role in the exchange and display of information to a community. Historically digital screens have been for marketing and advertising purposes, the best example of this seen in the bustle of Times Square. More recently architects have been reimagining the role of media facades and the interaction they can create with individuals. Another example of this is the Metronome in New York and the summer installation of the Climate Change Countdown clock. The scale of building screens has a direct effect on the way we experience and take in the information, and I believe if they are used strategically, can allow for education through design.



1 Comment

  1. I wonder what the role of turning the façade of architecture into a glorified television screen brings to how exactly we design our buildings. Is it the aspect of having some sort of art installation of the face of the building, is it the interactivity of the changing LEDs, or is it simply the emitting light? In a world where architects are attempting to reduce pollutions, I wouldn’t think contributing more light pollution is a great move forward. There are far more intriguing examples of interactive ‘art’ pieces in the field of architecture that I feel accomplish more and are also beautifully presented. Rob Ley Studio’s Parking Structure Art Facade [1] presents both interactivity and the culmination into its own art piece through its façade. This particular piece becomes unique based on the viewer’s perspective, making its presentation and individual experience that can only be replicated through standing in exact spots. Subsequently, conceptualize works such as the Kinetic Green Canvas [2] takes into account both environmental concerns while also introducing a new take on the idea of living walls. Art always had a role in architecture, though, we should be more conscious about it in our designs.

    [1] https://www.archdaily.com/536756/parking-structure-art-facade-urbana
    [2] https://materialdistrict.com/article/kinetic-green-canvas-pixelated-plant-art-facade/


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