Solar Developments

As solar energy’s popularity among commercial and residential design continues to grow, it’s interesting to think about how this technology has developed over time and how us as the users have changed the capabilities of these systems. From the early years of using a magnifying glass to start a fire, to south-facing sunrooms aimed to capture heat, solar energy usage has been around for centuries – even some of the world’s greatest minds like Albert Einstein have tried to encourage the acceptance of solar energy. It wasn’t until the 1970’s when President Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the roof of the White House that people started to be aware of just how tangible clean energy could be. In the last three years, over two million U.S. homes have solar installations on their property, providing energy and reducing a portion of the home’s energy bill.

A stigma still remains however, surrounding the cost, installation and the look that solar panels bring along with their energy saving processes. Many people worry about the upfront cost of paying for solar panels, while others simply don’t like the look of the panels and depending on how their home is angled, may be required to instal the technology on the front of their homes. However, in recent years, companies like Tesla and Dow Solar have made successful strides in creating a solar roofing tile or solar shingles. While these new designs have proven to be pretty costly, solar shingles give the home a more classic look certain people are after while also paying for themselves overtime not only through energy savings but with a stronger durability than standard tiles.

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